June 17, 2024

Another electromagnetic field

I’m going to guess it was 2006. Or maybe 2007. Phil called, said did I want to go and see this art thing in a field outside Bath? It will be cool, he said.

We drove in his car. There’s a spot on the hills up by the M4, where the pylons hunker down, lower to the ground than usual. In a field directly underneath the power lines, an Artist had set up dozens of strip light bulbs, poking into the soil.

We arrived when it was still light. Lots of us were just milling around, waiting for electromagnetism to happen.

It happened as dark fell. Stray electrons from the power cables above our heads dribbled down earthwards, through the stuck-on-end bulbs. Which began to glow.

art life

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Collecting things for me I spend a lot of time encouraging teams and work places to “collect things” - pictures, screenshots, quotes, etc - that they can use as raw material